Terms & Conditions
A Legal Disclaimer
Think All Be All Creative Arts Incubator functions as a space of development and free expression of art forms. We will not demand or force change in your particular art form(s). TABA as a Creative Clubhouse holds the mission to create safe and practical spaces for learning, performing, and networking among all participants. We kindly reserve the right to request and act of removal of participants under local, state, and federal guidelines for harmful and criminal behaviors.
Terms & Conditions - The Basics
Acceptance of Think All Be All Services and Products may very by individual needs. Each contract may include generalized information of services provide, but is not limited to presented information. Each agreement may include specific information for client needs and is protected by Federal Rights as defined by the United States of America.
Any information given is provide by consent from individual/entity to perform necessary services as agreed by terms of contract. We will not share/sell information to any 3rd party. Information collected by consent is for internal usage to update and service consenter.
For any such decline in Think All Be All Services and Products we reserve the right to review associated Think All Be All Account(s), Contracts, and any other connection related to Think All Be All Creative Arts Incubator and Consenter. We will not waive the right to review this information as it is necessary to maintain accurate records, refunds, exchanges, and mishaps for the benefit of both Think All Be All and You the Consenter.
By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you are in acceptance of the expressive and safe environment Think All Be All Creative Arts Incubator and TABA Clubhouse are proud to maintain. We look forward to working with you to develop your creative journey and supply your creative needs!